
"Know Thyself" was carved into the building that surrounded the Oracle. If some do not know themselves, then what would you call what they do know? We must test for ourselves all truths.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Geopolitics/ Pres. Bush's Iraq Program

After viewing tonight's speech delivered by President Bush a few different topics jumped into my mind;
1.The propaganda value of the speech
-Notice the use of "us" and "them", gaining support for current program of state building, etc.
2. The status of the changing world stability.
-China's/Russia's regional hegemony in Asia, developments in South America toward a continental bloc for tradng purposes and regional independence from the US, the rising power of the EU on both economic and political stages, and the Middle East power vacuum, with Iran vying for regional hegemon status, and the use of fundamental Islam to establish cultural/national identity.
3. The US's reasons for involving itself in world affairs to begin with. For the longest time the US was not so brazen in its world domination. Are out motives in Iraq so honorable? Are we trying to make sure that an American backed governance is in place around the worlds major oil supply, just as we supported Saddam when that was appropriate?

Just some thoughts.

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